Uyttenboogaart-Eliasen Stichting


General Guidelines


(available as PDF under "subsidieaanvraagformulier") 

Subsidies of the Uyttenboogaart-Eliasen Foundation (UES) are granted to projects in the field of Entomology regarding promotion of the Entomological discipline.
UES also has the possibility to supply Entomologists with equipment.
Elsewhere on this website an overview is given of UES-subsidies that over the past years have been granted.
The “GENERAL GUIDELINES” are relevant for all applications. Under "SPECIFIC GUIDELINES" additional guidelines and comments for specific projects are stated. 



A project regarding promotion of the Entomological discipline can be a research project, collecting expedition, study travel, publication or attending a congress/symposium. All applications have to be submitted by using the form that is downloadable from this website. Applications that do not adhere to this format will not be considered. The deadlines for submission of applications are April 15 and November 15, for the respective board meetings in May and December. Only one project per applicant can be submitted per meeting. Projects that have already been started or have already been completed before the deadline are not eligible for subsidization. Entomological activities that are part of bachelor or master student projects are not eligible for subsidization by the UES. There is no support available for scholarships. Only in exceptional cases mentioned under “Specific Guidelines” BSc or MSc students may be allowed subsidies to visit a conference/symposium. Applications should be made by the person concerned itself. In case a project involves more than one person, each person should apply separately, and clearly indicate the contribution of him/herself. A detailed budget for the requested amount of money has to be provided, in addition to an overview of the total costs of the activity. If financial support for this project has been requested at other funding institutions, this has to be included in the budget, with the result achieved. Also, if applicable, financial contributions of the applicant have to be included in the budget as well (see application form). Personnel costs are generally not subsidized. If a project is conducted in the service of an organization, the contribution of this organization has to be indicated and supporting documents have to be added. The application needs to clearly indicate how the project will promote entomology in the Netherlands. A written report, including a financial overview, has to be submitted to the Secretariat within one month after the end date of the subsidized time period of the project. Unused subsidies have to be refunded. The support by the UES should be mentioned in each publication that may result from a subsidized activity. The Board of the UES reserves the right to reject applications without motivation.
Because travelling by air has negative environmental impact, also on insects, there are specific demands for subsidizing air travel. For travelling within Europe, costs for air travel are in principle not covered unless travelling by other ways is not possible. For travelling outside of Europe, air travel will only be subsidized if it is explained why the obtained results of the travel outweigh the negative impact of the air travel. One criterium for this can be that the obtained expertise and work is so unique that it cannot be obtained from other, local persons. In addition, the obtained results have to be documented and made accessible, preferably by publication, and collections have to be preserved well.
It should be made explicit in the application whether the project involves a new project or an activity linked to previous or ongoing projects.
If travel by car is essential for the (field) research, a maximum kilometer allowance of € 0.30 will be made available. The need of using a car must be demonstrated in the application. In other cases, no more than the Public Transport (OV) fare 2nd class will be reimbursed.
It should be made explicit in the application whether the project involves a new study or an activity linked to previous or ongoing projectsIn starting the collecting expedition the applicant has to be in possesion of all necesarry visa, investigation-,export- and importpermissions for entomological material. The applicant has to realize that absence of these permissions can not only get himself into trouble but also, directly or indirectly, harm Dutch entomology.Applicants are attended that starting December 10th 2014 collected material is subject tot the Nagoya Protocol.The UES does not accept any responsibility in case the applicant fails on one or more of the conditions mentioned before.  The collected entomological material resulting from collecting expeditions subsidized by the UES should at an appropriate time be transferred to one of the scientific entomological museums in the Netherlands. This museum should be indicated in the application. Certain Museums do not accept new material without the necesarry documentation.If social media, for example blogs or websites, are used to inform others about the expedition that is subsidized by UES, the logo of UES as subsidizing institution should be included.
Any written publication completely or partly subsidized by the UES should include the logo of UES.
For subsidizing the attendance of relevant international scientific meetings (congresses and symposia), the applicant should give an oral presentation or poster as the first author. Congress participation supported by the UES is expected to support or strengthen the position of the Netherlands in the international entomological world. UES subsidy for congresses/symposia is subject to the following limits: the maximum for congress travel within Europe amounts to € 625. For congress travel outside Europe the maximum amount is € 1,250. If awarded, the presentation or poster should include the logo of UES as funding agency. The UES offers PhD students the opportunity to obtain a contribution for attending an international congress only once within the framework of their doctoral research for the personal presentation of the final study results.MSc-students may in special cases, as an exception to the general rule, apply once for support for congress participation. In accordance with the conditions for applying PhD students such MSc-students should personally present their results during the conference. All PhD/MSc student applications must be accompanied by a letter of support of their (co-) promoter or supervisor.
UES grants the possibility to borrow equipment owned by UES. In these cases the applicant has to approach the secretary of the UES. 


Material collected during collection expeditions subsidized by UES in principle is subject to the regulations of EU Regulation 511/2014, in which the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in de European Union has been arranged. The NP has not yet been ratified by the Netherlands but the conditions are allready in force. It’s beyond the scope of this website to discuss all aspects of the NP and the EU Regulation. In fact the insects are considered as genetic material in view of the NP.

For further orientation we refer to the website mentioned below.